Rebelle Tips and Advice

New to the Rebelle Rally? We understand that being a first-time competitor to any competition can be daunting, and we want to let you know we’ve been there! Having been an off-road competitor, racer, and coach, here are Rebelle Founder Emily Miller’s best tips for the Rebelle and other endurance competitions.

  • To be the best teammate, work to be the best you can be at your role.
  • Have reasonable expectations. If you have never participated in the Rebelle, you can’t expect to be an expert at it – the pace, format, and challenge. To learn how to win, you must first learn how to finish.
  • The Rebelle is about being self-sufficient and at the same time, a good teammate. Read all the rules, do your research, and don’t just turn to social media or someone else to answer questions or do the work for you. It will bite you in the competition.
  • Don’t overpack. Excess will get in your way, frustrate you, and slow you down. BUT, if an item is EXTREMELY important, bring more than 1.
  • Sleep when you can, and sleep well. Pack a very comfortable sleeping pad, bag, tent, and pillow.
  • Pack efficiently with easy to transport bags/containers.
  • Don’t use key gear for the first time on the rally. Practice with it early – MAXTRAX, shovels, navigation equipment, external odometers, etc.
  • People tend to practice what they are best at, not at what they struggle with. Read the basic and intermediate navigation skills in the online navigation training. Rate your ability for each skill on a scale of 1-5, and sharpen your weaker skills.
  • Understand triangulation and know how to execute in the field.
  • While driving and navigating are the fundamental skills, the difficulty is performing when tired, frustrated, hungry, lost, etc. Be prepared to discover some things that surprise you about yourself – both positive and negative. It is a great opportunity to grow.
  • Someone will make the first mistake, if it isn’t you, go easy because you will make one too.
  • Know how to do your teammate’s job, NOT to criticize or critique, but to be a safe and effective partner.
  • Remember that respect for your teammate and humor go a long way. Keep the challenge in perspective.
  • Afraid to fail? Evaluate what you define as failure and consider a new definition. Not all mistakes are failures, but a chance to learn and apply experience. Learn from every mistake and apply it to the next checkpoint or day. And then LET IT GO.
  • Remember, “If it were easy, everyone would do it!”