
Goacher/ Bigwood

Julia and Kathryn met at a Rebelle U training event in Reno, Nevada, Julia was there with her college mentorship and Kathryn was signed up for the 2020 Rebelle. Kathryn’s teammate had a family emergency and had to back out of the Rebelle 3 weeks before the rally started. Kathryn remembered Julia and called her. Julia said she would take her finals in college early and meet Kathryn in NV for the race. They were strangers but it worked. They learned from each other, laughed and cried through rookie mistakes and left the rally as life long friends. When Kathryn asked Julia to partner with her for the 2022 Rebelle Julia replied “Yes! I can’t wait to go out in the desert and be badasses with you again.”

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Alliance Auto Care
Europa G Wagen

Julia Bigwood


Julia is a second year doctoral student at the University of California, Los Angeles studying atmospheric and oceanic sciences. Her research is focused on the impact of climate change on photosynthesis in the tropical rainforest and the global carbon cycle.


UCLA Graduate Student


Los Angeles, CA

Favorite Quote:

“Well-behaved women seldom make history" -Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Fun Fact:

I’m scuba certified!

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

I’ve been eager to compete in the Rebelle again ever since my first rally in 2020—it’s a great opportunity to learn, meet incredible people, appreciate nature, and self-reflect.

Who, or what, inspires you most?

Finding internal motivators based on my morals has always inspired me to pursue my dreams and complete my doctoral degree to combat climate change.

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo (book)
The Office (show)
Psych (show)

Greatest adventure to date?

Completing the rally in 2020 was one of my greatest accomplishments and greatest adventures ☺

Prior Years Competed:


Awards Achieved:

Kathryn Goacher


Southern made business and family woman who always tries to do what's right and love everyone. Usually busy fixing something, helping someone or going out on an adventure.


Owner, Alliance Auto Care


Loveland, CO

Favorite Quote:

“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” -Albert Einstein

Fun Fact:

When I travel I look for Tango, Bachata and Salsa events so I can dance with the locals.

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

The Rebelle takes place in landscapes so beautiful it steals my breath away. The women competitors show up to be epic and adventurous. If I could think of a better place to be forged by fire I would be there. This is the right time, I have questions that need answers, the kind of answers you lose yourself in the desert to find.

Who, or what, inspires you most?

I’m inspired by compassion for all living creatures and the future generations inheriting our Earth. We rise together, we’re all connected. (Except spiders, I really don’t like spiders.)

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

Wuthering Heights
The Catcher in the Rye

Greatest adventure to date?

Rebelle 2020

Prior Years Competed:


Awards Achieved:


2015 Mercedes G550