
The Co-Pilots

This year’s Honda team is comprised of Hillary Tate, the bright eyed and giddily excited Rookie, and Liz Long, the 2 year Rebelle veteran and 2021 wind storm survivor.
Hillary Tate is a new addition to the Honda Rebelle drivers. She worked at HDMA (Honda Development and Manufacturing of America) for 5 years on various major construction projects in Ohio, and now works with American Honda Motor Co. on nationwide construction projects. Hillary exudes confidence, has a glowing smile that spreads joy, and cannot wait to compete this year.
Liz Long is a 2-year Rebelle veteran and is looking forward to the rally this year. She has worked at HDMA for 8 years as a chassis reliability test engineer for Honda and Acura vehicles. Liz is kind at heart and works hard at guiding the Honda of America Racing Team (HART) Rebelle team.
Liz and Hillary have been working together on the HART Rebelle team since 2021. This year, they have grown closer and have been working to become a cohesive team ready to Rebelle.

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Liz Long

Switching roles

I am a woman who pursues adventure, loves my people well, and works hard at chasing my dreams. There is nothing I cannot do if I put my mind to it.


Honda Chassis Reliability Test Engineer


Marysville, OH

Favorite Quote:

Time doesn't slow down and fear is only a feeling, so dream big and go for it. - Kaleigh Cohen

Fun Fact:

I know how to swing dance and lindy hop.

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

The Rebelle is addicting. This is my 3rd year competing and it is always a new and exciting challenge to which you can't say no.

Who, or what, inspires you most?
Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

Enchantress From the Stars – Sylvia Engdahl; City of Brass Trilogy – S.A. Chakraborty; Firefly

Greatest adventure to date?

Traveling to Nepal

Prior Years Competed:

2019 and 2021

Awards Achieved:

2019 3rd place in X-cross and Rookie of the Year

Hillary Tate

Switching roles

I am a high energy, old soul who has never met a stranger. I love dad jokes, puns, interior design, riding motorcycles, quilting, crafting, jetskiing, and doing anything outside.


Honda Architectural Designer / Project Administrator


Pataskala, OH

Favorite Quote:

"Give until it hurts, then give some more." Dondi Tate

Fun Fact:

I have driven a nuclear submarine (for 5 minutes) and barrel rolled in an airplane.

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

As soon as I learned about the Honda Rebelle team, I joined immediately. I spent the first year on the prep team, hoping one day a driver spot would open. It did! I was drawn to the all-female competition, the outdoors, and the all around “Push Yourself!” aspects!

Who, or what, inspires you most?

My Parents. They are the most giving, funny, loving, creative and smart people I know. I want to be just like them!

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

1. Peaky Blinders (BBC/Netflix) 2. Harry Potter 3. NPR’s Throughline or Short Wave (Podcasts)

Greatest adventure to date?

Traveling by myself through Germany for 10 days

Prior Years Competed:
Awards Achieved:


Honda Pilot Trailsport