
Headings United

Although they only live 40 minutes away, Mandy and Alex found themselves together more out west than they did out East when they first met. Both searching for adventures in a more beautiful, drier climate, they both appreciate the beauty of the west and use every excuse they can to get out there. Living so close they supported each other throughout the 2022 Rally then had the opportunity to partner up in 2023! They have similar goals and ways of tackling challenges, so they are excited to take on the 2023 Rally along with the extra challenge of behind the wheel of an electric vehicle! They both drive trucks – Alex a Jeep Gladiator and Mandy is either in the Rivian R1T or Ram Rebel (2022 Rally Vehicle).

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Blue Ridge Overland Gear
Castleberry Welsh Cobs

Mandy Brezina

Switching roles

Mandy is an Army Veteran residing in Maryland who continues to work with the military in the Department of Defense as well as managing and coaching at her CrossFit gym; she is always in search of a challenge that brings her together with like-minded people - if she can do that while traveling, that’s a bonus! When she’s not traveling or searching for a challenge, you can usually find her at her gym Blue Crab CrossFit or out with her horse and dog, Donner and Roady.


CrossFit Gym Owner/Manager/Coach; Data Governance Subject Matter Expert for the Department of Defense


Jessup, MD

Favorite Quote:

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible.” – Audrey Hepburn

Fun Fact:

I’ve always handstand walked the finish line for the Rebelle Rally :-)

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

This is my fourth Rebelle - every time I complete it I start thinking about the next year and what I can do differently. It’s addicting! There are very few places where you can be in such a beautiful setting with so many amazing people. It’s inspirational, challenging, and it gets better and better every year! I’m excited for this year, where I get to compete with my friend and veteran Rebelle, Alex! This will be my first year with another veteran Rebelle, so I’m looking forward to that experience! Additionally, we’re excited to be the first personally-owned electric vehicle on the Rally. We hope to do well and to contribute to the progress of competing in electric vehicles!

Who, or what, inspires you most?

Small business owners. Being one myself for the past year I have so much more respect for anyone who has taken the risk to start/run their own small business. It’s HARD and you get a lot of rejections in many areas, so those who have persisted and gone on to run a successful small business are a huge inspiration for me and have made me go out of my way even more now to support small businesses.

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

Podcast: Smartless, Book: Catch 22, Show: Ted Lasso

Greatest adventure to date?

Although not a purposeful adventure, being deployed to Afghanistan for a year as an 18 year old was quite the adventure. I learned so much and it really shaped me to who I am today. I was fortunate to be there early on in Operation Enduring Freedom, when we were able to more freely travel the country, so I had many incredible opportunities to explore the northern and central parts of Afghanistan. The country is beautiful and the people are so generous.

Prior Years Competed:

2020, 2021, 2022

Awards Achieved:

Alex Gilman

Switching roles

Originally from New York City, Alex grew up in rural Virginia and is a blend of the two worlds she’s always trusted for an honest, sometimes brutally honest, opinion. She doesn’t take herself too seriously - life is more fun when you can look back at yourself and laugh.


Project Manager supporting FEMA efforts


Alexandria, VA

Favorite Quote:

Read dozens of books about heroes and crooks and I’ve learned much from both of their styles” – Jimmy Buffet

Fun Fact:

My parents planned to sail around the world. I spent a good portion of my childhood on a sailboat. Fell overboard once in harbor after my dad forgot to close the railing.

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

This will be my second Rebelle. The last year has been challenging on many levels. Over the past few years I found happiness and myself in off-roading. The Rebelle is an invaluable part of that journey. The community that surrounds and embodies the Rally is like none other that I've been a part of. Last year's Rebelle was a chance to learn. This year's Rebelle is a chance to heal and grow.

Who, or what, inspires you most?

Travel and time spent in nature. We take a little bit away from everyone we meet and everywhere we go. I cherish those moments.

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

The Dirtbag Diaries, The Great Blue Dream, Out Cold

Greatest adventure to date?

Backpacking in the Peruvian Andes

Prior Years Competed:


Awards Achieved:

Maxtrax Team Spirit (2022)



2022 Rivian R1T