
Desert Crush

Lauren grew up in Rockford, IL went to school at RPI (Troy, NY) and is now living in AZ working for Iridium. Lauren is just a couple years out of her 5-year college career where she played division-1 ice hockey, received a B.S. in Industrial engineering and a master’s in business administration. She likes to spend her time hiking, camping, playing music, playing sports or partaking in any outdoor activity possible. Lauren likes to do almost anything but really doesn’t like roller coasters or the feeling of free falling.

Born in Florida to Cuban immigrants, Isa moved to Panama at the age of 6 and Ivory Coast Africa at the age of 11 where she lived until graduating from High School. The first in her immediate family to graduate from college, Isa has a B.S. in Computer Science from Florida Tech. An avid sports enthusiast, Isa met her husband while playing beach volleyball. In 1996 a few months after getting married, the newlyweds moved to Arizona where they both began working on the Iridium Program. 26 years later, they are still in Arizona. Peter has since retired but Isa continues to work for Iridium. Isa loves all things outdoor/sports and enjoys the challenge of new adventures; off roading and orienteering being the latest additions to the list.

Lauren and Isa both work for Iridium LLC. They didn’t know each other until finding out they both were interested in the challenge to represent Iridium in the Rebelle Rally. Since then, they have hiked the Grand Canyon Tanner – Escalante – Grandview trail, a primitive camping hike with 4 plus feet of snow at the top at that time. Both Lauren and Isa agree that was one of the toughest hikes (Lauren’s first in the Canyon) they have ever done. “If we can do this, we can do anything”.

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Lauren Severson

Switching roles

I am loving and driven. I enjoy being on a team and working with others.


Data Scientist


Tempe, AZ

Favorite Quote:

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace” – Jimi Hendrix

Fun Fact:

I played division-1 Ice Hockey in college

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

I was looking for a chance to be challenged in a way I have never been challenged before. It made sense for me at this point of my life to see what I am made of and address my weaknesses.

Who, or what, inspires you most?

Wind Turbines

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

Shows: New Girl & Friends, Podcast: We Can Do Hard Things

Greatest adventure to date?

Backpacking with Isa for 4 days in the Grand Canyon.

Prior Years Competed:
Awards Achieved:

Isa Budge

Switching roles

First and foremost, I live by the principle of loving God and loving others. Passionate, Fun Loving, Adventurer who enjoys meeting new folks, hearing their story and learning from them.


Engineering Program Management at Iridium LLC


Phoenix, Arizona

Favorite Quote:

It’s all good!

Fun Fact:

I went to 6 different schools in 3 different countries from 1st grade to 12th grade as a sugar brat.

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

If not now, then when? The opportunity came up and I jumped on it. I feel so fortunate and honored to be a part of Team Iridium in the 2023 Rebelle Rally!

Who, or what, inspires you most?

I am inspired by those who navigate difficult circumstance with grace and style.

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

Favorite Book: The Bible, Favorite shows: Project Runway (a guilty pleasure) and I just started watching Ted Lasso – great show.

Greatest adventure to date?

Anything I can muster will not even come close to trumping the Rebelle Rally. I recently did a bike and barge trip from Bruge to Amsterdam that was amazing.

Prior Years Competed:
Awards Achieved:


Jeep Rubicon 2015