
Evergreen Edge

We started training for the Rebelle Rally in April and partnered up in June after bonding over driving drills, homesteading and lots of laughter in the truck. While we work in different parts of the business on opposite sides of the country, we’ve connected through our intense sense of competition and passion for defying expectations.

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Kelly Kennedy


Photographer, desert rat, Swiss Army knife


Employee Communications Manager at Rivian


Carlsbad and Blythe, CA

Favorite Quote:

"Get action. Do things; be sane; don’t fritter away your time; create, act, take a place wherever you are and be somebody; get action." - Theodore Roosevelt

Fun Fact:

This was my 12th year attending San Diego Comic-Con International -- yes, I dressed up all four days!

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

I truly love learning, developing new skills and defying expectations. When I heard Rivian was gearing up for another year of Rebelle, I was all in. Growing up in the desert, I have so much love for how beautiful and unforgiving the landscape is. Rebelle has been the perfect opportunity to challenge my skills, contribute to the off-road community and show how just capable women are. Partnering with Rachel has made it the best adventure and we're excited to finally put our training into practice!

Who, or what, inspires you most?

Early morning light and my parents.

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

Book: Island by Aldous Huxley
Podcast: The Daily Stoic

Greatest adventure to date?

I’ve had many adventures: being the only child in an “RV family,” moving to New York City, being the first in my family to attend college. My boyfriend and I recently drove Iceland’s Ring Road in 5 days. My (almost) two years at Rivian has been a great adventure so far – I’ve grown my career, made new connections that will last a lifetime and become a Rebelle all in one place!

Prior Years Competed:
Awards Achieved:

Rachel Zech


Horse Girl, Wood Elf, lover of 80s action movies


Regional Vehicle Operations Manager for Rivian


Nashville, TN

Favorite Quote:

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” -J.R.R. Tolkien

Fun Fact:

I’ve lived for at least 2 years in 6 states.

Why the Rebelle? Why now?

I first heard about the Rebelle Rally in 2022 through my job at Rivian and became an instant fangirl and follower. When the opportunity arose for me to throw my name in the hat, I did so with feverish glee. I had never been to a desert before and did not believe I had any sense of direction, but training with my partner Kelly has been an incredible experience. I have gained skills that give me the freedom to explore the planet safely, responsibly, and independently. We make such a great team! I'm grateful to have met her through this journey and can’t wait to see how we perform.

Who, or what, inspires you most?

Selfless acts of kindness, shooting stars, and my parents.

Top three favorite podcasts / books / shows

“The Call of Cthulhu” by H.P. Lovecraft
“Stranger in a Strange Land” by Robert A Heinlein
“Missing 411” by David Paulides

Greatest adventure to date?

Leaving at the age of 17 to move from Michigan to Florida for school. I had never been away from home for more than a week by myself. That scary transition gave me the confidence to venture out, live independently, and move anywhere without fear.

Prior Years Competed:
Awards Achieved:


2023 Rivian R1T