Rebelle Founder Emily Miller Wins Two Awards at SEMA

December 7th, 2023

At the globally renowned SEMA Show (Speciality Equipment Market Association) in Las Vegas this year, the Rebelle Rally and Founder Emily Miller received two prestigious awards in recognition of significant contributions to the automotive sector. These awards acknowledge dedication to its advancement and development.

The first award, the SEMA Future Leaders Network (FLN) Vanguard award, was presented to Emily to recognize her positive impact on young executives’ careers within the automotive sector. Emily’s actions, mentorship, and dedication through the Rebelle Rally inspired professional growth and cultivated talent for upcoming industry leaders.

Additionally, Emily received the SEMA TORA Jessi Combs Award as Ambassador of the Year. The award represents Emily’s dedication to the growth and progress of the industry. The award pays tribute to her contributions and commitment to our field, and is named after trailblazer, the legendary Jessi Combs.

Congratulations to Emily, and a heartfelt thank you SEMA for this recognition.