Team Tuesday 2020: Laura & Susan

Reasons #1001 to compete in the Rebelle Rally: to have your kids and grandkids keep asking: “You’re doing WHAT?!”

That’s exactly what 2020 competitor Laura Moore keeps hearing after announcing her participation in the 2020 Rebelle Rally. And she’s totally cool with it because she’s going from watching on the computer sidelines to being exactly where she wants to be – at the start line. Teammate and 2x Rebelle Susan Pieper is no different – ready to go for it and embrace the art of letting go. And digging deeper (literally). In today’s Team Tuesday, please welcome Team #138 True North!

Hometown/current town:

Laura: Leawood, KS/Gold Canyon, AZ
Susan: Kettering, Ohio/Jackson Hole, WY


Laura: Retired seminary professor; slow, but enthusiastic hiker; frustrated, but
determined golfer
Susan: Founder and CEO of DMOS Collective, makers of mobility shovels and gear
engineered for performance. Empty nester/former “momager” of 3 adult stepkids and 1
college-bound son.

What made you compete in the Rebelle Rally this year?

Laura: I’ve followed the Rebelle online for two years. The first year I was familiar with only one team,
but the rally was so fascinating I decided to learn more by attending some training events. As a
result, by the second year I knew several teams of remarkable women. That meant during the
2019 event I was constantly yelling at my screen, “Way to go! Awesome!” or “No, no!! Where
are you going!?” So, this year will be my turn to be yelled at from the sofa. Hopefully, it will be
more “Way to go!” than “No, no!!” Regardless, I’m excited about this new adventure. And as a
bonus, it’s one more way to keep my kids and grandkids asking: “You’re doing WHAT?!”
Susan: I got into the Rebelle Rally because, back at Overland Expo in May of 2018, Emily Miller liked
what she saw with DMOS and has chosen DMOS to be her recovery shovel. I am so grateful to
Emily for all of her leadership and support to me as a CEO and as a competitor. Back in 2018, I
competed that year, but not at all prepared. Then, I came back in 2019 and felt that I left a lot
of potential on the course. This year, my partner, Laura Moore, and I have a goal of being
competitive by staying focused, letting go of whatever doesn’t go well, and trusting that
heading and distance don’t lie. There is no “magic map!”.

How did you and your teammate meet?

Laura: Susan and I worked together at an informal navigation weekend because neither of our
partners could attend. We worked well together; discovered some commonalities and shared
goals; and had a lot of fun. When each of our partnerships fell through, we promptly decided
to team up for the Rally. I’m thrilled to be participating with Susan. She’s the founder and CEO
of her own company, has energy to spare, and is willing to take a chance with me as a rookie
Rebelle driver.

Tell us about your competition vehicle. Why did you choose it to compete in?

Laura: We’re competing in my 2018 JLU Rubicon. It does everything it’s asked and seems to ask for
more. She’s had several ‘names’ in the time I’ve had her, or at least things we’ve called
her—Rubi, Fox, Jeeper, Beast, Hi Ho (Silver), for example. Nothing seems to stick. It’s as
though each new adventure requires a different moniker. Whatever name we call her during
the Rally, I’m sure she’ll respond, and I’m confident we’ll be in good hands.

Any other fun facts you’d like to add in?

Laura: In the past few years I’ve sky-dived from 15,000 ft. and hiked over a 15,000 ft. mountain
pass—two very different perspectives on 15,000 ft!
Susan: I’ve raced in sailing (TransPac 1995), snowboarding (Dick’s Ditch 2015, 2016), and various road,
mountain, and gravel biking events and the Rebelle Rally is the most fun of all!