Team Tuesday: Angela & Ana

New to the Rebelle? Yes. New to adventure, challenge, and some serious hard work? Definitely not. Please welcome in today’s Team Tuesday two seismologists and grad school friends out of California, Team #147 She-Wave Velocity – Angela Chung and Ana Aguiar!

Originally from the U.K. (Angie) and Costa Rica (Ana), these two are determined to get the word out that women can accomplish anything they put their mind to doing! From earning PhDs to following major earthquakes across the globe and getting their 4×4 kicks through Morocco and Bolivia, Angela and Ana are ready to tackle their next adventure together this fall at the Rebelle start line. And so is Athena, the first ever Nissan X-Terra to compete in the Rebelle Rally! Read on for the team rallying for the advancement of women in the sciences!

Hometown/Current town:

Angie: Winchester UK/ Castro Valley, CA
Ana: San José, Costa Rica / San Leandro, CA

Favorite Food:

Angie: Chocolate (any and all forms)
Ana: “Gallo Pinto,” rice, beans and plantains will always have a special place in my stomach 😉

Something only your best friend knows about you:

Angie: I sleep with a stuffed hedgehog.
Ana: If I told you then my best friend would not be the only one who knows! 😉

Favorite place ever:

Angie: Just one?! Anywhere there are beautiful views and/or awesome people
Ana: An airplane seat taking me to a place I’ve never been before!

Why did you pick the vehicle you’re competing in?

Angie: Because she’s my baby!
Ana: Actually, Angie picked me and she came with the vehicle, which is absolutely awesome!

Why the Rebelle?

Angie: I love trying new things and new challenges!
Ana: Because it is a fantastic platform to challenge stereotypes, and secretly I’ve been waiting for this my entire life!

Any shout-outs you’d like to make while you have our attention?

Angie: Rhino Adventure Gear and Nisstec Lifts are two of the most awesome companies on this planet and we’re super stoked to be partnering with them!
Ana: Our sponsors of course! And would also like to do a shout out to the non-profit GOALS, Girls’ Outdoor Adventure in Leadership and Science because they promote the professional and personal development of women and girls who are scientists, outdoor enthusiasts, and social change leaders. A cause both Angie and I are passionate about.